Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Single Vampire Parent Challenge: Chapter 3

Me: Last time we left Raquel she had just given birth to triplets. I wonder how this will go?

Me: Welcome home Raquel. How are the triplets and everything else? Raquel: Everything and everyone are very good. Me: Very good? Seriously? Is that a stink cold I see? Raquel: Well yes, but the sun is up. It's fine. I just need to get in the coffin, so just stop talking.

Me: Looks like there is been a birthday. Welcome to toddlerhood Victoria. Things are about to get really interesting.

Me: Ahh!!! Is celebrating Renee's birthday really a good time to be scaring everyone with that face. Raquel: What? It's Halloween.

Raquel: Isn't she beautiful? Me: Yes, very, but what about William? Raquel: You'll see him, just wait.

Raquel: See here he is. I'm teaching him to walk. Me: Yeah, ah, maybe we'll get a close-up later.

Renee: Purty ButtRfly. 
Me: Very. Can someone get the toddler inside the house? Nanny? Anyone?

Me: Speaking of birthdays. Happy birthday, Samantha! Julia: Yeah, it'll be great to have more help with the triplets. What I don't understand is why I can't potty train them and I have to wait under they soil themselves and them give them a bath? Me: Your mom has to do all training. Sorry, that's how it works. Julia: *sigh* Fine.

Me: Wait, it's their birthday again? How'd it go? Raquel: Not too bad. They all learned all their skills. There were a few dirty diapers and a many baths but with Julia's help, it wasn't bad at all. Me: humph. I think a lot of people are disappointed. Raquel: Well blah to them. Me: Oh and Happy Birthday Victoria!

Me: And to you Renee.

Me: And finally to William. Nice to get a good look at you finally *clears throat at Raquel*

Renee: Mom!!!! Me: Shhh, honey, your mom is sleeping and we don't want the warm rays of the sun to cause she early death. Renee: Oh. . . OK.

Me: Pregnant again I see. The Count must have been by. Raquel: But of course.

Me: Study time.

Me: looks like Julia is enjoying the twins being older.

Me: I was wondering where Samantha had wondered off to and where do I find her? In one of the coffins. Any time I can't find her, guess where she is? In the coffin.

Me: Wowzers that's a huge belly. Raquel: Shh, I'm helping Renee with her homework.

Me: Baby time, again!!!

Me: Wait, why are you waving your hand in the air like you just don't care? Julia: Dah it's twins. Me: Wait did you eat cheesecake? Raquel: Sure did. Me: did you know you'd have twins because of it? Raquel: sure did. Triplets were pretty easy, so twins should be a piece of cake. Me: Wow. Welcome Kevin and Emily.

Me: He's very handsome.

Me: And some potty training. Raquel: This is so piece of cake now.

Me: Looks like Samantha is enjoying being a teen. Samantha: When I don't have to take care of my siblings, I sure do. Me: It'll get easier really soon.

Me: Yep, the triplets are teens, already.

Raquel: 5 teens and 2 toddlers. I like that kind of math!

Raquel: Emily's trained.

Raquel: So is Kevin.

Me: I see the Count has been leaving more gifts.

Me: How time flies.

Me: no more toddlers.

Me: Wow you maxed ALL you skills! 
Raquel: Blah, it wasn't too hard.

Me: Second to last homework session.

Me: Last homework session.

Victoria: Blah. Me: What happened? 
Victoria: Mom wanted us to join her. 
Me: I do have to admit you sure are a cute Vampire.

ME: Samantha on the other hand. . . 
Samantha: Blah! What do you mean by that? Me: Nothing I swear.

Me: Renee too. Just in time too.

Julia: Yep, the cab is here, I'm going to college. Me: which brings us to the end. Points: 25 1st child born x 1 = 25 10 pt each additional child x 6 = 60 10 each time any child reaches Life Stage in Plat. (all did every time) x 12 = 120 10 each maxed skill by Vampire x 8 = 80 10 each Parent/child best friend (all with mom, none with dad) x 7 = 70 10 each sim Vampire bites x 3 = 30 10 each skill child is taught (all learned all toddler & homework) x 28 = 280 10 points for Private school (didn't even try) x 0 = 0 25 if Vampire holds down job x 1 = 25 -10 Exit without saving x 1 = -10 Grand Total: 680!


Infinity-Nevermore said...

Congratulations Rachel. You really racked up the points. So what are you doing with this family?

Kerry said...

Were you surprised how easy this was? Seems like it didn't present any real problems except for the one accidental death.

Roo said...

after your continued success playing the toddlermania challenge, it doesn't surprise me one bit you sailed through this one! well done Rachel

Rubywyld said...

Great ending Rachel! Raquel cracked me up in that sexy underwear she always had on, LOL.
You are simming feind woman... I braved the twins but they sure didn't skill or learn to walk, talk or potty train like yours did. :)

Unknown said...

Wow! 680 - that's fantastic. Great job.

ASimWen said...

Great job! All those babies makes me think about trying the challenge myself. "hem". lol

Twoyys4me said...

wowsers, it's almost vamped up toddlermania... or kiddimania anyway. :)

great score and storytelling as always- congrats and thanks for sharing. :)